Family Place Resource Centre
Aldergrove's Family Place is the place to be!
At Encompass Support Services, our family place is at the heart of our programs available for parents with young children. We offer drop in programs four days a week, plus evening activities for families. The recently developed Parent Advisory Group helps our services better reflect the needs of parents accessing our programs. Our drop in is a place for parents and their young children to connect with families in their community. We offer an environment where parents can engage with their children in developmentally appropriate activities, learn about child development, great parenting techniques and services available to them in their community. We work hard to ensure our activities - whether for the children or the parents - are educational, interactive, lots of fun and of interest to the families attending our program. We are always open to suggestions, so please contact us if you have an idea of an event or activity you would like to see happening in Aldergrove.
The Drop In schedule is as follows:
Monday, Thursday and Friday from 9 am to 1 pm
Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm
at Aldergrove Family Place 27330 28th Ave., Aldergrove
(in a portable on Shortreed Elementary School property)
Community Outreach for Parents
Attend community based programs including Strong Start, where participants are supplied with community resources, information and education to share with families attending the programs. This Outreach Staff also provides family time which offers guest speakers, resources and education at our Family Place location on Mondays between 9am and 1pm. Individualized support is offered for families with young children to connect parents with resources and services they are seeking. For more information please call (604) 857.4662.
Community Kitchens
Offers an opportunity for parents with young children to increase their knowledge of budgeting, cooking and making healthy meals at a low cost. Child Minding is provided at this very popular program which is offered 2x a month. For more information call (604)856.1664.
Registration and Questions
Call Family Place at (604) 856.1664
Most programs are free or have a small subsidized cost, please call for details.
At Encompass Support Services, our family place is at the heart of our programs available for parents with young children. We offer drop in programs four days a week, plus evening activities for families. The recently developed Parent Advisory Group helps our services better reflect the needs of parents accessing our programs. Our drop in is a place for parents and their young children to connect with families in their community. We offer an environment where parents can engage with their children in developmentally appropriate activities, learn about child development, great parenting techniques and services available to them in their community. We work hard to ensure our activities - whether for the children or the parents - are educational, interactive, lots of fun and of interest to the families attending our program. We are always open to suggestions, so please contact us if you have an idea of an event or activity you would like to see happening in Aldergrove.
The Drop In schedule is as follows:
Monday, Thursday and Friday from 9 am to 1 pm
Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm
at Aldergrove Family Place 27330 28th Ave., Aldergrove
(in a portable on Shortreed Elementary School property)
Community Outreach for Parents
Attend community based programs including Strong Start, where participants are supplied with community resources, information and education to share with families attending the programs. This Outreach Staff also provides family time which offers guest speakers, resources and education at our Family Place location on Mondays between 9am and 1pm. Individualized support is offered for families with young children to connect parents with resources and services they are seeking. For more information please call (604) 857.4662.
Community Kitchens
Offers an opportunity for parents with young children to increase their knowledge of budgeting, cooking and making healthy meals at a low cost. Child Minding is provided at this very popular program which is offered 2x a month. For more information call (604)856.1664.
Registration and Questions
Call Family Place at (604) 856.1664
Most programs are free or have a small subsidized cost, please call for details.