Spanish Family Programming
Encompass offers two free groups for families with children 0-6 years old that are supported by our amazing childcare team.
Our parenting group for Spanish-speaking families has the purpose of sharing positive parenting experiences, as well as learning new skills to interact and parent their children in Canada. We offer support, information, guest speakers, and group discussions that respond to the various needs of the participants.
Fridays – 9:30-11:30 am
Langley Education Centre (Portable #26)
21405 – 56 Ave., Langley
FAMILY TIME en Español
This is a playgroup where Spanish-speaking parents can connect and play with their children focusing on different areas of development. Free play, art and crafts, songs and stories in Spanish are part of this weekly program.
Wednesdays – 10:00 to 12:00 am
Langley Early Years Centre (Willoughby Elementary School)
20766 – 80 Ave., Langley
Para más información contactar a (For more information contact):
Diana Mendez: (778) 980.2081
[email protected]
Our parenting group for Spanish-speaking families has the purpose of sharing positive parenting experiences, as well as learning new skills to interact and parent their children in Canada. We offer support, information, guest speakers, and group discussions that respond to the various needs of the participants.
Fridays – 9:30-11:30 am
Langley Education Centre (Portable #26)
21405 – 56 Ave., Langley
FAMILY TIME en Español
This is a playgroup where Spanish-speaking parents can connect and play with their children focusing on different areas of development. Free play, art and crafts, songs and stories in Spanish are part of this weekly program.
Wednesdays – 10:00 to 12:00 am
Langley Early Years Centre (Willoughby Elementary School)
20766 – 80 Ave., Langley
Para más información contactar a (For more information contact):
Diana Mendez: (778) 980.2081
[email protected]